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Sharjah Chamber Announces The Launch Of New Initiative Titled ’World Trade Week’
(12 February 2013)


Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry announced the launch of a new initiative titled "World Trade Week", which is considered one of the most recent initiatives through which Sharjah Chamber seeks to contribute within a framework that keep pace with efforts exerted by the country in general and the Emirate of Sharjah in particular regarding the development of relations with brotherly countries as well as introducing new encouraging channels and programs in order to achieve the objectives of the United Arab Emirates by virtue of the wise leadership represented in establishing positive and distinctive relations that serve common interests and enhance cooperation in all fields with different countries as well as hosting some global institutions; such as the World Trade Organization and the World Bank through hosting regional and global speakers.

The announcement of the "World Trade Week" Initiative, intended to be launched on the last week of September 2013 at Expo Centre Sharjah, took place during the press conference held by the Chamber yesterday morning at Al-Dorra Hall located in the main Chamber premises.

Mr. Hussain Mohammed Al-Mahmoudi, Director General of the Chamber, during the press conference, which was attended by Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Amin, Director General Assistant for International and Economic Affairs and a group of different media representatives in the country, said that this initiative came in line with this development, which includes economic, tourist, investment and cultural sectors and it is hoped that according to the work plan, which is set to implement this initiative after authentication from the Chamber Board of Directors during its last meeting in terms of the Chamber operational plan for year 2013. This plan will include programs and events; topmost of which are the daily work sessions that discuss a number of topics, which aim at promoting Sharjah commercially in the first place. Moreover, aspects of these sessions shall include topics that focus on highlighting the reality and future of trade and its impact on the relation among countries as well as holding promotional forums for different countries. Furthermore, "World Trade Week" events shall include special training workshops related to foreign trade, small specialized exhibitions, working breakfast for different commercial groups and sectorial work groups established by the Chamber recently as well as holding a seminar that sheds light upon permanent trade centres and exhibitions of countries available at Expo Centre Sharjah and the possibility of establishing new permanent centres during days of the initiative.

Mr. Al-Mahmoudi added that the most important objectives of organizing this initiative were represented in signifying the importance of foreign trade in enhancing business sector opportunities in order to be transferred from local to global levels, enabling companies and the business sector to get well-acquainted with the available investment opportunities, and exchanging information and ideas so as to achieve success of small and medium trade work on the international level. Moreover, this initiative is suitable for celebrating success achieved by companies at the global market according to data of exportation as well as shedding light upon their successes through granting an appreciative award to the company that achieved the highest value of exports for those countries.

Director General of the Chamber indicated that the main objective was to promote the United Arab Emirates in general, and the Emirate of Sharjah in particular to become a leading investment destination through offering the available investment opportunities, polarizing traders and investors, enabling them to get acquainted with the investment environment in Sharjah, laws, procedures and facilities granted by the country as well as opening new global markets for local commercial products and opening the local market for global products.

Furthermore, Mr. Hussain Al-Mahmoudi illustrated that there were cultural and social events that will accompany the "World Trade Week" initiative and these events shall be held in co-operation with a number of governmental authorities; such as the folkloric evenings of some countries and heritage exhibitions through which locals and residents become acquainted with aspects of cultures, traditions and customs of the participating countries.

He added that the Chamber sought to organize this event, which shall be hosted annually in co-operation with a number of governmental authorities in the Emirate; topmost of which are Commerce Tourism Development Authority, the Economic Development Authority, Sharjah Development Authority (SHUROOQ), the Museums Authority, Sharjah Municipality, Sharjah Media Corporation, and the participation of the state business councils, chambers of commerce, trade associations, consulates, embassies and commercial insitutions.

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