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iWorld by Sharad Agarwal

Twitter Power

At an estimated 500 million people, Twitter is now the third most popular social media site.

What started of as a tool for people to exchange timely bits of information - has now become a platform where you can meet new people, find a job, launch new products, get breaking news, develop a hobby or simply make money.

A lone Twitter icon in the footer of your website isn't always engaging or noticeable enough to make visitors realize you've got a social media presence. Incorporating your Twitter feed into your website can be a very simple way to showcase your social media activity.

It is important to integrate Twitter with your web presence. By doing so, you can start turning your site visitors (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.

1. Twitter Widgets - Help you integrate your latest tweets to show on your web site.

2. Twitter Buttons - Allow you to automatically create the HTML needed to build the Twitter badge without any programming knowledge.

3. TwitThis - A little button that you can place in your HTML or in your blog template to allow your readers to quickly and easily share what they're reading with their Twitter followers.

4. TweetSuite - A WordPress plugin that furrows among the Twitter API and finds the tweets that reference the current page.

5. Twitterfeed - Allows you to automatically insert tweets into your Twitter stream from any RSS feed.

It should be recognized that while using Twitter all the non-essentials such as pictures, movies, and music have been stripped out, what remains is communication of the purest sense. The fact that all messages are limited to 140 characters forces you to be direct and to the point. Knowing the right way to use Twitter can make the difference between achieving success and having a failed communications strategy.

Twitter is all about 'getting you out there,' and it allows you to interact with people you may not regularly interact with. You too can hit the sweet spot in the busy world of Social Media.

Send your comments/feedback to sharad@cyber-gear.com or Tweet @gogreenae

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