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Brands that Tweet

Brands that Tweet

It may come as a surprise to many, several multinational organisations now employ ‘Tweeting Experts’ to ‘Twitter enable’ themselves, either to create a viral buzz or just to be a hip brand.

Every company has its own experience on Twitter. But whether a business has been here for a couple of years or just a few months, its twitterers tend to find that certain approaches lead to success.

Twitter provides several case studies of successful blue chip organsiations that use Twitter to enhance their corporate visibility online and help them service their online community. See http://business.twitter.com/twitter101/case_dell

Here are the 50 most mentioned brands on Twitter in a single day!

Brands that Tweet

If you think your organisation qualifies to rank in the regional Top 50 list, send your stats of followers and tweets generated to sharad@cyber-gear.com

Watch this space for ‘Rules of thumb for Twittering when you are a corporate?’.

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