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iWorld by Sharad Agarwal

20 Ingredients For Building An Amazing Website

There is not an iota of doubt that the internet has fundamentally changed the way people live, learn and shop online

Every self respecting business in today’s day and age has a web site. But how many really generate new business leads is a question that needs to be addressed.

Undeniably, a web site is your face to the world, a virtual storefront – and you would like it to be flawless.

Web site design and organization is based on the goals you have for your site and the needs of your audience. Answer the following questions to help create a plan for building an effective website:

  • How are current sales generated?
  • How do you find customers, and how do they find you?
  • What is your target market?
  • Do they use the Internet, and what is the level of their technical proficiency?
  • Who is your competition? Are they on the web?
  • How will you differentiate yourself from the competition?
  • Do you need to streamline communication with customers?
  • If you already have a website, how is it performing and what improvements would you like to see?

Here is a checklist of must-have tips to get that gorgeous look that turns heads and gets results.

  1. Remember, content is King (and Queen!)
  2. Write your content with imbedded search terms.
  3. Copy should be concise, credible and engaging.
  4. Use multiple forms of content – videos, images, podcasts.
  5. Optimize your copy for search engines.
  6. Select your meta tags intelligently.
  7. Integrate an XML sitemap.
  8. Be consistent with colors, images, fonts, navigation, messaging and layout.
  9. Use relevant imagery.
  10. Be more helpful than flashy.
  11. Answer who, what, and why (and where if needed).
  12. Don’t just sell, but educate.
  13. Capture visitors’ demographics.
  14. Analyse web site traffic.
  15. Fine tune your web site on an ongoing basis.
  16. Blog, tweet often.
  17. Make your content interactive, social and shareable.
  18. Use innovative ideas to generate leads.
  19. Build an online community.
  20. Host your site on a ‘Green’ server.

Follow these must-haves and you will soon have a great website that generates traffic, leads and sales.

Share your experience with sharad@cyber-gear.com

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