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iWorld by Sharad Agarwal

2011 - Future Bytes

Mycasting – Individually Curated Interactive Content

2011 - Future Bytes

Marian Salzman, President of Euro RSCG Worldwide PR and an internationally respected trendspotter, is credited with coining the phrase 'Mycasting'. Marian Salzman, President of Euro RSCG Worldwide PR and an internationally respected trendspotter, is credited with coining the phrase 'Mycasting'.

In her words, “Mycasting, could be as revolutionary as the printing press must have seemed to the pulpit.”

Mycasting means energetically curating your individual content. Defining and using interactivity on the fly. Mycasting means people don't have to go to a central place, be it a website, print newspaper or broadcast television show to get their information. Rather, they can trust that what they need to know will find its way to them.

There is nothing stranger than human existence in all its infinite and frail variety. If it's true, as they used to say, that each of us carries a novel around inside, it is possible that tomorrow an epic storyteller could hatch a 21st-century masterpiece.

In 2011, telling your story is not something you have to wait for someone to do for you but something you can do fully for yourself. This seizing of the storytelling reins by so many marks a real shift in who and where new audiences are.

With all the technology at the disposal of every individual, all you need, is to get your hands on WordPress or Jott, and lo and behold you are in business! You are an author on a global platform, with the potential to reach out to international audiences in real time. You can go viral with your Facebook community, ReTweet to your Twitter fraternity and before you know, the Mycasting genius is in the making. Get a 'Flip' from Cisco and you can upload multimedia content on the fly! Become an 'iReporter' for CNN or 'MyReporter' for your favorite Blog. You are ready to engage in a 'trialogue'.

There is absolutely no need to learn HTML, FTP, Flex, JavaScript or Dreamweaver. You can weave your own dreams online with just the basic tools that are available as FREE downloads. You may want to consider using Tumblr. Within a few minutes of signing up with Tumblr, you can submit your first post by browser, e-mail, IM, or even voice. And with large buttons dedicated to posting music, video, and photos, it encourages users to go beyond the blocks of text that are the mainstay of typical blogging and social websites. Social-networking features such as following, favoriting, reblogging, and syndication offer ways to give users the positive feedback that keeps them contributing.

The space between authors and publishers has been plugged for good, and the author is now the publisher, just as in the future, the energy internet will convert the consumers to producers and they will become 'Prosumers'.  Looks like we just spotted another trend!

Send your comments to sharad@cyber-gear.com or visit www.sharadagarwal.com

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