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iWorld by Sharad Agarwal

My Favorite Sites

A typical web surfer visits an average of 7 sites

Despite there being millions of web sites on the web, there are only a handful of sites that a typical person visits on a regular basis. The Periodic Table of the Internet presents a classification of popular sites based on select categories.

Periodic Table of the Internet

Here are my favorite 7.

  1. Fast Company  www.fastcompany.com
  2. Fast Company
  3. Springwise www.springwise.com
  4. Springwise
  5. Ecofont www.ecofont.com
  6. Ecofont
  7. DriveSafe.lyTM www.drivesafe.ly
  8. DriveSafe.ly
  9. Away Find www.awayfind.com
  10. Away Find
  11. Fiverr www.fiverr.com
  12. Fiverr
  13. iWriter www.iwriter.com
  14. iWriter

Send your favorite sites to sharad@cyber-gear.com

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